Saturday, April 17, 2010

The sky's burning but at least we know we're warm.

Holga cameras are loved, as well as infamous, for their unpredictable ways engulfed by light leaks, strange color contrasts, and intricate double exposures. This is why I want one :)
Therefore, any photographer who can fully commit and adjust themselves to the spontaneity of these clunky cameras should be commemorated throughout history.

Michael Bryant is one of these artists. Bryant is an Award-winning photographer who travels the world to places like England, Spain, Italy, Mexico, yet his heart is set in the midst of Atlanta, Georgia.

"When I look at a finished piece and for a split second, time stops and I hear my heart beating - I am unable to breathe and I am aware only of the piece and how it makes me feel. Then, I know that I succeeded."

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